Daycare Injury: Understanding Duty Of Care And How A Breach Can Lead To A Personal Injury Claim

If your child was injured in a daycare setting, you're likely wondering whether the injury was caused by negligence or was simply an accident that couldn't have been foreseen. Below is an outline of duty of care, how duty of care is breached, and how a personal injury attorney can help you to determine whether you have a negligence case or not. What is Duty of Care? When you bring your child to their daycare facility each morning, there's an unspoken rule that your child will be cared for and kept safe within the bounds of reason. Read More 

Why You Urgently Need An Auto Accident Attorney

If you have recently been involved in an accident that has caused you to become injured, you might want to think about hiring an auto accident attorney to represent you. To understand why this would be so important, you might want to take a few minutes of your time to read through the following points. You Won't Have To Do The Negotiations Before your auto accident injury case ever goes before a judge, you will want to first try to come to a financial settlement agreement with the insurance company or lawyer that represents the person who was the cause of the accident. Read More 

3 Things That Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Case

Few things are as traumatic as a car accident. If someone else causes the accident, that makes it even worse. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to get the responsible party to pay you the compensation you are owed. If that happens to you, you will need to file a personal injury claim in court. Here are three things that can hurt your case. 1. No fault car insurance laws. In several states, the law requires all drivers to carry no fault car insurance. Read More 

Zen And The Importance Of Motorcycle Maintenance

If you're familiar with the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, you know that the book is about neither Zen Buddhism nor motorcycles. It is a life instruction book about the importance of blending technology with soul. As an avid motorcyclist, your ride is your soul, but if you forget about the importance of maintaining it, you're jeopardizing not only your bike, but your life and the lives of others. Read More 

What Could Changes To Missouri’s Helmet Law Mean For You In An Accident?

If you're a motorcycle enthusiast who prefers not to wear a helmet while riding, you may be excited to learn that the Missouri House of Representatives has recently passed a bill intended to repeal the state's helmet law. If signed into law, this bill will allow Missouri riders who are over age 21 to choose whether or not to wear a helmet. However, this repeal may not be good news if you're injured while riding and attempt to file a lawsuit against the driver who struck you. Read More