Things To Know About Filing A Workers Comp Claim For PTSD

It can be difficult to convince an insurer that you deserve workers compensation for psychological trauma, but some employees are successful in these claims. You must learn whether your state allows benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder related to an incident at work and the qualifying requirements for your claim.  Requirements for Workers Comp for PTSD You may be experiencing debilitating emotions after a traumatizing episode at work. The insurer that covers workers comp for your employer needs verification that: Read More 

2 Reasons To Hire An Auto Accident Attorney

One of the most important things that you can do when you are involved in a car accident is to hire an attorney, mostly because of the many ways in which he or she can help you. Two reasons to hire an auto accident attorney are to get your expenses covered and prevent the blame from falling on you. Get Your Expenses Covered The worst part about being in an auto accident is having to deal with all of the bills that can easily pile up as a result of the accident. Read More